71.   The other executive could not be reached for comment.

72.   The other directors named in the lawsuit are Irving Goldstein, Shirley Strum Kenny, Willem F.P. de Vogel and the three executives.

73.   The other executive had already left the company.

74.   The other executives have included a chief operating officer, a chief financial officer, a technology officer and a director of communications.

75.   The project came about, according to sources, because the two executives were searching for ways to distinguish NEMC.

76.   The prosecution repeated today that the investigation involves far more than the case against the three executives.

77.   The six executives should provide plenty of strong leadership in coming months, analysts and executives said.

78.   The three executives spoke at the Rauscher Pierce Refsnes annual energy conference.

79.   The three executives were charged with conspiring for more than a decade to overstate expenses at one hospital to illegally increase its compensation from federal programs like Medicare.

80.   The three executives declined to comment on why they sold the shares.

a. + executive >>共 907
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