71.   If convicted, the defendants face jail terms ranging from four months to four years.

72.   In addition, Armenian courts will stop hearings of the cases involving possible jail terms of up to three years.

73.   In December last year the government passed a Law of Cultural Property, which includes a provision stipulating jail terms for illegal traffickers of antiquities.

74.   Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevenement signed an order Tuesday to expel five English fans and a Tunisian, after serving two- to three-month jail terms.

75.   Incitement is a serious crime in Sudan that could mean long jail terms for convicted offenders.

76.   It said another nine people were given jail terms.

77.   Israeli officials see such videotapes as a threat and selling or possessing them can lead to arrest and jail terms of two to five years.

78.   Its steady pressure on his government has been credited with enactment of new laws mandating stiffer jail terms for drug bosses and the forfeiture of their ill-gotten gains.

79.   Journalists Amr Nassif and Gamal Fahmi were convicted and both served jail terms of up to six months.

80.   Manslaughter brings jail terms between six months to five years.

n. + jail >>共 93
term 40.56%
city 14.39%
security 5.98%
high-security 2.62%
police 2.43%
town 1.68%
year 1.50%
immigration 1.31%
face 1.31%
life 1.31%
term + n. >>共 892
limit 24.28%
prison 10.39%
jail 5.55%
end 1.74%
contract 1.64%
life 1.13%
loan 0.87%
policy 0.69%
level 0.67%
investment 0.64%
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