71.   During one television interview in Montreal, Muller became tearful and his voice cracked, forcing him to walk away from the camera and the interviewer.

72.   During a Tampa television interview in May, Michael Schiavo said his wife would never get better.

73.   Early television interviews showed Giuliani, like many other surviving New Yorkers, with the silt graying his hair and dusting his shoulders.

74.   Earlier this week, he engaged in a live, obscenity-strewn television interview via satellite hookup with a New York newsman.

75.   During a recent television interview, Wexler offered his legal prescription for dealing with the strongman.

76.   Eighteen months ago, he acknowledged in a television interview that he had been unfaithful to Princess Diana.

77.   During the first of her many television interviews, Gish was keenly aware of technique.

78.   During the television interview, Karadzic used maps to show the territorial divisions the Serbs had wanted.

79.   Earlier, in a television interview, the first lady continued to defend her husband and asked the public to withhold judgment until all the facts were in.

80.   For a few seconds in a long television interview Sunday morning, Bob Dole seemed to reverse his position on abortion.

n. + interview >>共 325
telephone 32.99%
television 17.30%
radio 9.17%
job 5.70%
newspaper 5.70%
phone 3.76%
week 3.45%
medium 2.25%
press 1.16%
police 1.04%
television + n. >>共 463
station 9.69%
network 6.10%
set 4.06%
camera 3.68%
show 3.68%
interview 3.08%
commercial 2.66%
report 2.56%
program 2.49%
crew 2.34%
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