71.   Taste for seasoning, and add salt if necessary.

72.   Taste for seasoning, correct if necessary and adjust cooking time.

73.   Taste for sweetness, and add a sprinkling of sugar if they are too tart.

74.   Stir until sugar is dissolved and taste for balance, adding more sugar or vinegar if needed.

75.   Taste for salt and add a little if the soup tastes flat.

76.   Taste for salt and add additional lemon juice, if desired.

77.   Taste for salt and check for smoothness.

78.   Taste for salt and pepper and adjust as needed.

79.   Taste for salt, season with pepper and add a teaspoon or so of vinegar.

80.   Taste for seasoning again, this time checking if it needs a tablespoon or so of vinegar.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
know 3.31%
reach 3.03%
fight 2.21%
qualify 1.86%
be 1.81%
write 1.33%
close 1.07%
treat 1.03%
taste 0.04%
taste + p. >>共 22
like 62.19%
for 15.06%
with 6.87%
at 2.62%
on 2.62%
as 1.96%
before 1.47%
to 1.47%
about 0.65%
after 0.65%
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