71.   Christiansen said an apparent attempt by the ENO to draw in younger audiences had misfired badly and its directors should take the hint.

72.   Erbakan took the hint, and agreed to go quickly.

73.   Fortunately, Vikram took the hint and stopped shortly after.

74.   Taking a hint from Western-minded Djindjic, Draskovic hired a French public relations firm that has him looking more like a politician.

75.   Taking the hint, the Real Sociedad supporters left the bar but were followed and attacked, leaving Zabaleta stabbed in the chest, El Mundo said.

76.   But Clinton made it clear Washington would take any hint of a threat to Jordan seriously.

77.   Joyner-Kersee, however, clearly not a quitter by nature, did not take the hint.

v. + hint >>共 146
give 27.21%
drop 12.02%
offer 8.94%
take 6.26%
have 4.79%
provide 3.33%
see 3.25%
get 3.09%
show 2.92%
contain 2.36%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
hint 0.04%
每页显示:    共 77