71.   Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas stepped down and ran again when he switched parties, but Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama did not.

72.   Shelby has repeatedly denied plans to switch parties.

73.   Since November, Rep. Nathan Deal of Georgia and Sens. Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado and Richard Shelby of Alabama have switched parties.

74.   Six days before the trial, he issued a statement saying he was switching parties.

75.   Sixteen years after that defeat, Jones switched parties and returned to the Legislature as a Republican in a different district.

76.   Shortly after the elections, two members of the state Senate switched parties to give Republicans control of the chamber for the first time since Reconstruction.

77.   Some shoppers said they did not even know that their congressman, Forbes, had switched parties.

78.   Stupak and Schroeder commended Sen. Phil Gramm, Republican of Texas and presidential candidate, for resigning from Congress and seeking re-election when he switched parties years ago.

79.   Switch parties.

80.   Switching parties, Robert Rubin ranks with the best as an economic policy maker and manager.

v. + party >>共 936
ban 3.88%
throw 3.22%
leave 3.22%
join 2.80%
have 2.36%
lead 2.22%
hold 2.09%
attend 2.05%
switch 1.88%
represent 1.63%
switch + n. >>共 624
side 7.32%
party 4.58%
allegiance 4.00%
position 2.56%
gear 2.34%
job 2.27%
vote 1.80%
recognition 1.73%
place 1.62%
tactics 1.55%
每页显示:    共 126