71.   Tapie was given a suspended jail term for abuse of corporate assets involving the Testut weighing machine company.

72.   The brother was convicted to a four-year jail sentence, while the sister was released with a suspended jail term.

73.   The company was prosecuted and the woman forced home after receiving a three-month suspended jail sentence.

74.   The four other church members who took part in the rite were also given suspended jail terms, of five months in each case.

75.   The court also added three months to each of the suspended jail terms of Noir and Mouillot.

76.   The nine Thais, all communications experts, were given suspended jail terms of between three and five months.

a. + jail >>共 412
county 11.53%
israeli 11.29%
palestinian 4.72%
local 3.50%
suspended 2.99%
new 1.89%
possible 1.81%
lengthy 1.61%
maximum 1.57%
long 1.49%
suspended + n. >>共 353
sentence 25.65%
license 5.37%
prison 5.14%
jail 4.29%
death 3.95%
list 3.95%
game 2.77%
player 2.43%
midfielder 1.86%
defender 1.81%
每页显示:    共 76