71.   The victim, who was stabbed in the head, shoulder and back, still suffers psychological effects from the attack, the judge said.

72.   Her trip will focus on economic relations suffering the effects of conflicts in Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

73.   Both countries are also suffering the effects of the flow of opium produced in Afghanistan and transiting across their territory to Western markets.

74.   But the visitors had reckoned without the late intervention of Maloney, who came into the fray despite suffering the effects of a nagging thigh muscle injury all week.

75.   But tyhe agency warned that the sharp increase was triggering an angry reaction from European car manufacturers, which are suffered the effects of a protracted sales slump.

76.   They said the injured all lived on the first and second floors above the bar of the restaurant and were hospitalised suffering the effects of fumes.

77.   While some countries might suffer the effects on their import prices of the rise in the value of the dollar, inflation was under control globally.

78.   Many of the refugees are also suffering the effects of their long trek from Tingi-Tingi -- swollen feet that make it difficult to walk.

79.   Meanwhile most businesses continue to suffer the effects of a cash crunch fueled by the budget deficit which swallows most private savings.

80.   Namibia is currently suffering the effects of a two-year drought.

v. + effect >>共 302
take 30.15%
have 30.09%
feel 3.51%
study 1.74%
see 1.36%
show 1.35%
suffer 0.82%
produce 0.72%
examine 0.70%
offset 0.69%
suffer + n. >>共 514
injury 14.82%
loss 7.15%
damage 4.80%
stroke 4.37%
casualty 3.35%
setback 2.94%
burn 2.66%
most 2.51%
concussion 2.40%
wound 2.38%
effect 0.68%
每页显示:    共 84