71.   Q. Neither my wife nor I expect any substantial increase in our wages.

72.   Profits are strong, as is the demand for exports, making it harder for employers to say that they would be hurt by substantial increases.

73.   Republicans are pressing hard for a substantial increase in Pentagon spending next year, adjusted for inflation, to begin offsetting years of declines.

74.   Republicans are proposing a substantial increase in spending on education, seeking to neutralize an issue that long played to the advantage of Democrats.

75.   Sensing the possibility of research breakthroughs on several fronts, President Clinton and members of Congress from both political parties have called for substantial increases in the NIH budget.

76.   That increase in commercials has fueled a substantial increase in direct-to-consumer ad spending.

77.   That move, which would effectively lead to lower stock-trading commissions, contributed to a substantial increase in stock trading in the U.S. and U.K.

78.   That is too little benefit to generate a substantial increase in saving and investment.

79.   That substantial increase still reflects a slowdown from their earnings growth in previous quarters of this year.

80.   That move, which would effectively lead to lower commissions, contributed to a substantial increase in stock trading in the U.S. and U.K.

a. + increase >>共 714
sharp 6.80%
big 3.62%
significant 3.47%
slight 2.78%
large 2.70%
further 2.58%
recent 2.57%
dramatic 2.56%
sales 2.56%
huge 2.33%
substantial 1.91%
substantial + n. >>共 1105
amount 4.17%
number 3.08%
progress 2.74%
increase 2.35%
change 1.79%
damage 1.68%
support 1.68%
investment 1.64%
sum 1.50%
portion 1.50%
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