71.   This year, to assure that Li would not be surprised by tough questions, organizers selected reporters in advance and asked them to submit questions.

72.   Tokyo announced the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force is sending Adm. Isamu Ozawa, who will be included in deliberations with the three American admirals and may submit questions.

73.   U.S. District T.S. Ellis III adopted a government proposal for the defense to submit written questions for the military detainees now held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

74.   If he succeeds he has to submit the questions to the constitutional court for it to decide whether they are permissible.

75.   In California, only the judge can question prospective jurors, though lawyers for both sides submitted questions they would like answered.

76.   A British government investigation has been underway for the past three weeks over accusations that two MPs, including Smith, received money to submit parliamentary questions.

77.   Another junior minister, Tim Smith, quit last week after admitting he accepted cash payments for submitting questions in parliament on behalf of al-Fayed.

78.   Clinton had asked that the defense lawyers, who will conduct the direct examination, submit their questions in advance.

79.   Tim Smith resigned after admitting he accepted cash payments for submitting questions in parliament on behalf of al-Fayed.

80.   Members may submit written questions through Friday, and a vote is expected Monday on whether to endorse Albright as secretary of state.

v. + question >>共 409
answer 24.53%
raise 18.15%
ask 13.93%
have 3.07%
take 2.65%
refer 2.38%
pose 1.81%
face 1.72%
address 1.64%
field 1.37%
submit 0.41%
submit + n. >>共 490
report 8.27%
proposal 7.79%
resignation 6.13%
bid 6.11%
plan 5.26%
application 4.20%
bill 2.55%
list 1.97%
name 1.97%
request 1.86%
question 1.51%
每页显示:    共 80