71.   The agents were in Colombia as part of an operation to stop shipments of marijuana to the United States.

72.   The agency announced Friday it would tighten its testing to detect the lower levels, to stop shipments containing any drug residue at the border.

73.   The company stopped all shipments and started contacting dealers after the first illnesses were reported Thursday, said DaimlerChrysler spokeswoman Kathryn Blackwell.

74.   The deal is part of legislation that would also bar Clinton and future presidents from stopping shipments of food and medicine to any country without congressional approval.

75.   The former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia added in a statement from Skopje, its capital, that it had stopped similar shipments in March and April.

76.   The new mandate does not authorize peacekeepers to use force to stop shipments or say whether they will have fixed posts or mobile patrols.

77.   The Security Council on Wednesday accepted, with reservations, a report on efforts to stop the shipment of war supplies from Yugoslavia to the rebel Bosnian Serbs.

78.   The troops are, however, not authorized to stop any shipments.

79.   The U.S. proposal says U.N. peacekeepers would act as a deterrent to the transfer of military supplies, but they could not use force to stop such shipments.

80.   German anti-nuclear protestors blocked railway tracks outside a nuclear power station on Sunday in a bid to stop the shipment of nuclear waste to Britain for reprocessing.

v. + shipment >>共 348
delay 5.14%
stop 4.51%
halt 3.58%
block 3.11%
receive 2.91%
resume 2.49%
suspend 2.44%
send 2.39%
prevent 1.71%
make 1.56%
stop + n. >>共 1227
car 3.21%
attack 3.20%
violence 2.50%
fight 1.86%
work 1.65%
people 1.50%
traffic 1.18%
flow 1.15%
run 1.13%
vehicle 1.12%
shipment 0.52%
每页显示:    共 87