71.   He also calls on the police to impose stiff penalty on motorists who go beyond the speed limit.

72.   He has made only three bogeys all week on a Muirfield course that comes with a stiff penalty for errant shots.

73.   He said the RTD should come up with such stiff penalties for the inconsiderate drivers whose recklessness caused the deaths of innocent people.

74.   In early May, legislators approved a revised law that provides for stiff penalties for anyone sexually exploiting children.

75.   International protection for the endangered species, together with stiff penalties in Malaysia and Indonesia for illegally keeping or smuggling orangutans, appears to have stemmed some abuse.

76.   It also imposes stiff penalties for those who employ or recruit prostitutes, especially parents or foster parents who assist in the trafficking of children.

77.   Iraqi authorities have mounted a nationwide crackdown on smugglers of gasoline, slapping stiff penalties on violators, including a minimum prison term of ten years.

78.   It was the second stiff penalty for Marseille in the space of one month.

79.   Lyberopoulos said nearly two dozen had been arrested for overpricing this year, and called on the government to implement planned legislation that will impose stiff penalties on cheaters.

80.   Officials from local government headquarters in Shaoguan have launched a safety drive with stiff penalties for people who failed to disclose safety abuses, it said.

a. + penalty >>共 623
maximum 12.10%
criminal 3.91%
stiffer 3.42%
financial 3.26%
severe 2.93%
tougher 2.77%
stiff 2.44%
civil 2.20%
harsher 2.14%
harsh 1.67%
stiff + n. >>共 431
competition 15.67%
resistance 7.49%
opposition 7.42%
penalty 4.38%
neck 4.24%
fine 3.84%
challenge 3.69%
wind 3.47%
peak 3.00%
breeze 2.27%
每页显示:    共 119