71.   The state also adopted a medical-fee schedule and mandated a safety program for employers.

72.   The state has adopted a more back-to-basics approach, with an emphasis on phonics.

73.   The ruling generated discussion around the country, as some cities and states have also adopted voucher programs and many others are considering such programs.

74.   The secretaries, by contrast, have attempted to get states to adopt their plan voluntarily, by passing model legislation.

75.   The state adopted a compromise policy, reporting names at the local level and tracking by a coded number at the state level.

76.   This year, six other states also adopted laws to limit telemarketing calls, the Pew Center said.

77.   Thirty-three other states already have adopted a triennial rabies schedule.

78.   Twenty other states have adopted similar family-cap laws since the federal government cleared the way two years ago for states to design their own welfare programs.

79.   Voters in Michigan, home state to Dr. Jack Kevorkian, will determine whether that state adopts physician-assisted suicide.

80.   We are, however, firmly convinced that allowing the several states to adopt term limits for congressional service would effect a fundamental change in the constitutional framework.

n. + adopt >>共 556
government 8.39%
parliament 5.15%
state 4.05%
company 4.05%
country 3.27%
board 1.73%
school 1.51%
administration 1.47%
couple 1.47%
council 1.40%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
pay 1.02%
pass 0.98%
adopt 0.55%
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