71.   For the most part the players have stood firm, but in recent weeks, having missed three paychecks, several have broken ranks with the union.

72.   For his part, Christensen said his party was simply standing firm for its principles, pushing for a balanced budget.

73.   Gramm and other hard-liners said they intend to stand firm for the original Republican budget, a position that could endanger the emerging compromise between Clinton and Republican leaders.

74.   He added that he had been surprised that the market did not fare much worse, but even if it had, he was standing firm.

75.   He is standing firm with dressier clothes.

76.   He is about to carry his pitch for a remodeled health care system to the voters via cross-country bus caravans with the message that he is standing firm.

77.   He stood firm this summer when his record label downsized just a month before his new album was due for release.

78.   House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who closed the debate, won a rousing standing ovation from Republicans after urging them to stand firm in the face of criticism.

79.   Immediate indications were that Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright intend to stand firm this time.

v. + firm >>共 586
stand 10.13%
hold 8.86%
account 6.02%
consult 3.77%
bank 3.18%
leave 3.02%
join 2.20%
buy 1.47%
accuse 1.19%
hire 1.16%
stand + n. >>共 397
trial 31.77%
guard 14.39%
firm 9.92%
chance 8.60%
ground 6.48%
accused 3.01%
watch 2.68%
test 2.20%
shoulder 1.11%
sentry 0.81%
每页显示:    共 390