71.   Soon, we might see microwave ovens and Internet applications that can listen to and act on our spoken words.

72.   Some, such as Amazon.com, did not caption their ads because there were no spoken words in the script.

73.   Sometimes the words appearing on the screen are far behind the spoken words, and there are many spelling errors.

74.   Sometimes the written word can be more powerful than the spoken word, and can prompt more action.

75.   Spoken word performances are nothing new, of course.

76.   Spoken words have a way of going astray when lobbed from the stage out to the distant audience.

77.   Some plays are a mix of American Sign Language and spoken words.

78.   SummerStage offers performances of music, dance, cabaret, spoken word, opera, and family programs.

79.   The array of learning tools on display includes a transcription system that enables deaf students to read spoken words and software that helps teach arithmetic.

80.   The audience wanted more music, so now we revert to dialogue only when we need a drastic change of gear and only the spoken word will do.

a. + word >>共 1438
immediate 10.97%
final 3.72%
harsh 3.63%
kind 2.63%
official 2.61%
first 1.83%
right 1.74%
new 1.64%
written 1.62%
angry 1.45%
spoken 1.19%
spoken + n. >>共 104
word 28.72%
language 20.51%
dialogue 5.64%
command 4.36%
line 2.05%
voice 1.54%
text 1.54%
discourse 1.03%
message 1.03%
direction 1.03%
每页显示:    共 111