71.   China responded by building a jetty to shore up its river bank, protect farmland and prevent soil erosion.

72.   Deforestation has accelerated dramatically in recent years, creating soil erosion, and siltation of rivers and lakes on which Cambodians depend for water and fish.

73.   During the construction period and for a considerable period after that, there will be soil erosion when it rains, because of the increased surface run-off.

74.   Ed Rappaport says the combination of soil erosion and fragile housing makes Haitians especially vulnerable to flooding from heavy rains.

75.   Environmental specialists fear worsening deforestation, soil erosion, chemical pollution and flooding in the river basin as these countries intensify commercial exploitation of the Mekong.

76.   Farmers report the streams now run more fully with clearer water, because the Black Wattle caused soil erosion.

77.   Fertile land is running out due to soil erosion.

78.   Forestry officers, he said, had been told to take necessary precautions to protect water sources on the mountain for fear of soil erosion following the fire.

79.   Forests were stripped to build refugee shelters and sprawling refugee settlements led to massive soil erosion.

80.   Forests are also crucial to prevent soil erosion, water shortage, landslides and desertification and to help reduce global warming, the organization says.

n. + erosion >>共 48
soil 44.40%
beach 19.49%
price 2.89%
wind 2.89%
audience 2.17%
margin 2.17%
water 2.17%
land 1.81%
weather 1.81%
river 1.44%
soil + n. >>共 222
erosion 12.42%
moisture 9.19%
sample 7.98%
condition 6.16%
type 2.53%
bacterium 2.32%
test 2.32%
fertility 2.02%
temperature 1.82%
surface 1.82%
每页显示:    共 122