71.   But in abalone it infests the shells, weakens and deforms them, slows their growth, and reduces the amount of meat they produce.

72.   But it also depresses exports, hurting manufacturers and slowing economic growth here, said David Huether, economist at the National Association of Manufacturers.

73.   But it can take six months to a year for interest rate increases to slow growth enough to restrain price increases.

74.   But investors appear to fear that this acceleration may still be enough to prompt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates to slow economic growth.

75.   But since then, limits on health care spending have slowed growth, and Houghton said some action would be taken regarding that part of the company this year.

76.   But some experts warn that, with or without a retail price rise, the VAT increase will inevitably slow industrial growth.

77.   But the acquisitions slowed earnings growth.

78.   But the company, the leading maker of personal-computer software, warned that the weakness in Asian economies was likely to slow its growth this year.

79.   But the utility industry, which did more than any other sector to slow the growth of emissions under the voluntary plan, opposes stricter measures.

80.   But the question of how to slow the growth of such spending has receded from the political debate.

v. + growth >>共 699
slow 6.79%
spur 4.62%
stimulate 4.51%
boost 3.36%
show 3.06%
promote 2.72%
see 2.68%
encourage 2.14%
expect 2.01%
fuel 1.99%
slow + n. >>共 588
growth 14.64%
economy 10.18%
pace 4.83%
progress 3.12%
process 2.23%
sale 2.08%
demand 2.08%
traffic 1.78%
flow 1.64%
rate 1.64%
每页显示:    共 588