71.   Since then, contacts have stalled over rebel demands that the government free their jailed comrades and the two sides have been exchanging messages through intermediaries.

72.   South Korean officials also proposed that both sides exchange weather reports during the summer rainy season beginning this year, they said.

73.   Talks have since stalled, and the sides have exchanged messages through intermediaries.

74.   Thailand said the Vietnamese patrol boats opened fire on a Thai navy ship and the two sides exchanged fire for half an hour, the newspaper said.

75.   The decision means that the lengthy process of discovery will resume, where each side exchanges information and takes depositions from witnesses.

76.   The bloody battle for the Chechen capital eased Wednesday as the Russian and rebel commanders told their troops to hold their fire and the two sides exchanged wounded fighters.

77.   The Indian army said it engaged in heavy firing on Pakistani border outposts and bunkers Wednesday and both sides were exchanging gunfire on the Jammu-Kashmir frontier.

78.   The Indian army said it engaged in heavy firing on Pakistani border outposts and bunkers Wednesday and both sides exchanged gunfire on the Jammu-Kashmir frontier.

79.   The offensive ground to a halt outside Kabul, where the two sides have exchanged heavy artillery and rocket fire ever since.

80.   The sides again exchanged small arms, rocket and mortar fire, very close to the frontier.

n. + exchange >>共 345
side 10.84%
troop 5.89%
two 5.62%
force 3.75%
country 3.48%
team 2.95%
man 2.68%
soldier 2.54%
player 2.41%
couple 2.01%
side + v. >>共 621
be 10.78%
agree 8.70%
say 4.54%
have 4.42%
meet 1.92%
accuse 1.86%
make 1.60%
claim 1.48%
discuss 1.48%
reach 1.40%
exchange 0.71%
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