71.   St. Hubert is the patron saint of hunters, and the service includes music by an ensemble of traditional hunting horns.

72.   Such services include appraisals, flood certification, closings and relocation.

73.   Such services include the clearing of checks, the operation of the Fedwire system, and the procession of automated clearing house payments.

74.   Such services include treatment of drug abuse, domestic violence and mental health problems.

75.   That service includes individual and couples counseling, and daily walk-in sessions for those in urgent need.

76.   That service includes a campaign for the new models of the S-Class Mercedes-Benz, due early next month.

77.   The communion service includes foot washing, a love meal and the partaking of unleavened bread and wine or grape juice.

78.   The building is surrounded by flowering gardens and services include counseling for families, free meals and visits with traditional healers if they are wanted.

79.   The funeral director, Vladimir Smirnov, acknowledged that a normal burial service includes putting a rough wooden coffin into the ground.

80.   The interfaith service also included remarks by the Protestant rector, a rabbi and a Dominican priest.

n. + include >>共 1161
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figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
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dead 0.87%
service 0.40%
service + v. >>共 893
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include 2.01%
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