71.   Lenin was about to seize power and create the totalitarian system that Yeltsin later toppled before relinquishing power.

72.   Many African tyrants were military officers who seized power amid the disorder left by departing colonial forces.

73.   McKinney, a Georgia Democrat, first met with Kabila before he seized power from dictator Mobutu Sese Seko last month.

74.   Many were military officers who took advantage of the general disorder left by departing colonial forces to seize power.

75.   Miss Goslar, who was not Jewish, despised Hitler and left Germany when the Nazis seized power.

76.   Meanwhile an ethnic-Albanian group trying to seize power in part of southern Serbia said it had lost three men in a gun battle.

77.   Mrs. Abiola was assassinated last year in Lagos, Nigeria, where she was an outspoken critic of the regime that seized power four years ago.

78.   Musharraf seized power from politicians and has governed as an anti-politician.

79.   Musharraf apparently seized power without any long-term plan for governing.

80.   Nor was the message lost on the military in April, when a Paraguayan general, Lino Cesar Oviedo, tried to seize power from President Juan Carlos Wasmosy.

v. + power >>共 573
have 20.01%
take 4.91%
use 3.56%
seize 3.15%
lose 2.86%
share 2.65%
give 2.29%
restore 2.17%
wield 2.06%
hold 1.74%
seize + n. >>共 904
control 8.14%
power 8.14%
opportunity 5.80%
weapon 3.30%
property 2.53%
moment 2.49%
asset 2.04%
document 1.81%
land 1.50%
initiative 1.37%
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