71.   Marulanda also said hooded soldiers were searching vehicles in the zone.

72.   Merseyside assistant chief constable Paul Stephenson said all vehicles were being searched, adding that no group had claimed responsibility for the bombing.

73.   Military armored cars patrolled the city and armed soldiers searched vehicles.

74.   Motorists approaching the village had their vehicles searched and were turned away.

75.   Native Dayaks set up road blocks throughout Palangkaraya, burning tires and threatening motorists with homemade weapons as they searched passing vehicles for Madurese settlers.

76.   On Friday dozens of checkpoints went up around the city and heavily armed soldiers searched vehicles.

77.   Palestinian police also set up roadblocks and were searching vehicles at one end of the highway, which leads into Palestinian territory.

78.   Patrol cars circled the neighborhood where the suspects reportedly fled, and police searched vehicles on bridges and roads out of Taipei.

79.   Only drivers who carry a document showing their vehicle has been searched by police will be allowed to cross into Israel, the radio report said.

80.   Police immediately recognized the celebrity couple, then began searching the vehicle.

v. + vehicle >>共 707
damage 3.75%
stop 3.48%
drive 2.96%
use 2.75%
search 2.72%
sell 2.12%
destroy 2.12%
park 1.99%
check 1.80%
steal 1.61%
search + n. >>共 595
area 8.95%
house 6.05%
home 6.00%
car 4.97%
vehicle 3.66%
building 3.10%
bag 2.72%
apartment 2.14%
site 1.99%
office 1.87%
每页显示:    共 144