71.   Many UK primary and secondary schools have a Sinclair Spectrum.

72.   However, if the microcomputer which the school has does what the school librarian and teachers desire, then the availability of other models need not be a worry.

73.   Schools already have access to Prestel and other hosts using the same equipment.

74.   Geoffrey Coombs wrote the letter after discovering that his school may have to lose a teacher if planned cuts to the education budget go ahead.

75.   Theres been increasing pressure on education authorities to reduce the number of empty places at schools, which means some village schools have had to combine or close altogether.

76.   The school had just three pupils when it closed.

77.   Sometimes one school will have a set policy and even a policy statement on homework while another will leave it to the individual whim of the teacher.

78.   Different schools have different policies and different children have different homework.

79.   Mr Gould said that the four Glasgow schools had to close because their small rolls denied pupils a broad curriculum.

80.   But they recognised schools had a problem dealing with diversity.

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school + v. >>共 1050
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