71.   Americans are constantly reminded that the right to vote is the key to our democracy and the most powerful means we have to protect our liberty.

72.   Among his new powers was the right to choose a new city manager, and Luken appointed Lemmie as just the figure the city needed.

73.   Among the cherished human rights is the right to a livable wage.

74.   Among those protections was the right to keep internal office communications private, the GAO claimed.

75.   Among the concessions extracted by Palestinian negotiators was the right of young children to visit with imprisoned parents unimpeded by barred barriers.

76.   Among the most vocal protesters were abortion rights activists, who have long considered Ashcroft an opponent in the antiabortion crusade.

77.   And most of them are lodged in the Democratic Party as deeply as the religious right is in the Republican.

78.   And our TV rights will be up in a couple of years.

79.   And the fundamental right is freedom of expression.

80.   And right there is the issue.

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right 0.04%
right + v. >>共 502
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