71.   At least three journalists were injured, two clubbed by policemen and one bashed in the face by a rifle butt.

72.   But a contingent of paramilitary police arrived and beat them with clubs, whips and rifle butts in full view of airport workers, reporters and tourists.

73.   But many have been wounded by gunfire and scores injured by police using clubs, cattle prods, rifle butts and water cannons.

74.   But police arrived and beat them with clubs, whips and rifle butts in full view of airport workers, reporters and tourists.

75.   Downtown, thousands of protesters advanced on soldiers who fired shots above their heads and in some case beat protesters with sticks and rifle butts.

76.   Dozens of soldiers surrounded the demonstrators and beat them with their fists and rifle butts.

77.   Dozens of soldiers surrounded the demonstrators and began beating them with their fists and rifle butts.

78.   Dozens of soldiers and border police surrounded the demonstrators and began beating them with their fists and rifle butts.

79.   He said he made it out of the city only after Taliban beat him with their rifle butts.

80.   He said he and other inmates left Susica and entered Batkovic under a hail of blows from boots, rifle butts and baseball bats wielded by Serb guards.

n. + butt >>共 30
rifle 36.03%
cigarette 31.44%
head 17.90%
gun 3.49%
pistol 2.62%
pork 1.09%
cigar 0.87%
time 0.87%
arachnid 0.44%
earthling 0.44%
rifle + n. >>共 105
butt 25.70%
fire 23.05%
association 7.63%
grenade 6.23%
bullet 2.18%
company 1.71%
barrel 1.56%
round 1.56%
ammunition 1.09%
arm 1.09%
每页显示:    共 164