71.   Researchers also hope giving HIV-infected mothers a dose of nevirapine during labor will help prevent transmission of the virus.

72.   Researchers hope that combining two or more different-acting drugs will damp the drive to seek alcohol while preventing the distress of withdrawal symptoms.

73.   Researchers hope that with this new understanding of the mechanism that starts cancer, they have moved one important step closer to finding specific ways to turn it off.

74.   Researchers hope the DNA screen will pick up about two-thirds of cancers, which is roughly in line with most preventive screens now in use.

75.   Researchers hope they can offer clues on how to help immune systems stave off the deadly virus.

76.   Researchers hope to find drugs to neutralize toxins and calm the immune system so it can continue to function properly.

77.   Researchers hope to harness this power to grow tissues and organs specifically tailored to patients.

78.   Researchers hope to see a more effective second-generation vaccine licensed soon.

79.   She says researchers hope to prove that a Hispanic woman who eats more fiber and less fat will reduce her risk of developing breast cancer.

n. + hope >>共 613
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researcher 1.63%
researcher + v. >>共 450
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