71.   Another possible Republican candidate, Senator John McCain of Arizona, said in a recent interview that the difficulty of raising so much money is daunting even for him.

72.   Another Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, has also expressed interest in the Finance Committee seat.

73.   Another independent poll of New Hampshire voters showed Bradley in a tie with Gov. George W. Bush, the leading Republican candidate, in a hypothetical general election.

74.   Any registered voter can cast a ballot for a Republican candidate, but only the ballots of registered GOP voters count toward delegate selection.

75.   Another Republican presidential candidate, former Gov. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, has also vowed to be tough on trade with Tokyo.

76.   Another potential Republican candidate for the presidency, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, won by a landslide Tuesday.

77.   And will we let Republican candidates get away with not repudiating the Reagan and Bush licensing of missile help for China?

78.   Another Republican candidate, Steve Forbes, also did not come to South Carolina, saying he saw no point in attending a debate that did not include Dole.

79.   Another, representing the Democratic candidate, objected to a signature in the wrong place on a ballot for the Republican candidate.

80.   Any failure would allow the Republican presidential candidate, Bob Dole, to buttress his charge that Clinton is a weak, haphazardly engaged foreign-policy president.

a. + candidate >>共 485
presidential 17.01%
republican 7.08%
democratic 4.93%
leading 3.97%
the 3.30%
potential 2.36%
likely 2.16%
possible 2.04%
only 1.76%
independent 1.71%
republican + n. >>共 565
leader 10.41%
candidate 7.25%
nomination 3.53%
senator 3.03%
nominee 2.80%
governor 2.69%
majority 2.60%
leadership 2.46%
lawmaker 2.42%
primary 1.81%
每页显示:    共 1728