71.   The pontiff also repeated a warning he has made to both wealthy Western countries and nations in transition from Communism.

72.   The U.N. Security Council on Monday repeated warnings to Serbs against harming civilians and peacekeepers.

73.   The warning was repeated by U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who held a weekend meeting with top U.N. military commanders and civilian officials.

74.   The United States repeated its warning of last week about unspecified threats to its diplomats, but did not link it to the demonstrations.

75.   They also repeated warnings that the island, which Beijing regards as a rebel province, should not seek to assert itself internationally or pursue independence.

76.   To this end, Greenspan repeated his warning that banks will remain safe for people to keep their cash.

77.   Underlining its security concerns, Saudi Arabia on Wednesday repeated a warning to pilgrims not to engage in political activities or demonstrations during the hajj.

78.   Underlining its security concerns, Saudi Arabia Wednesday repeated its warning to pilgrims not to engage in any political activity or demonstrations during the hajj.

79.   Washington repeated its warning to China not to engage in nuclear cooperation with Pakistan during the visit to Washington this week of Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji.

80.   With Typhoon Niki fast approaching, local radio braodcast repeated warnings for residents to evacuate low-lying areas.

v. + warning >>共 395
issue 23.94%
ignore 7.81%
receive 6.29%
give 5.67%
heed 3.68%
post 2.55%
have 2.53%
follow 2.28%
repeat 2.08%
take 1.56%
repeat + n. >>共 703
call 5.84%
process 4.05%
mistake 2.29%
demand 2.17%
warning 2.06%
question 2.02%
claim 1.92%
pattern 1.55%
story 1.45%
procedure 1.40%
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