71.   The United Nations cites lower figures, but it was clear refugees were continuing to seek refuge in Iran.

72.   There are no current plans to expand the camp, though refugees continue to pour into Albania, and their first stop is Kukes.

73.   There has been no large exodus from the south for several days, although refugees continue to head north away from the violence.

74.   Thousands more refugees continue to flee Serb retaliation for the air strikes.

75.   WHO fears the disease will spread rapidly as hundreds of thousands refugees continue to return.

76.   Yet Afghan refugees continue to stream home from camps abroad, perhaps the best indication that many believe their country is moving away from war.

77.   In Rwanda, refugees continued to stream across the border at Gisenyi, many of them women, whose husbands had fled, and their children.

78.   And refugees continue to flee the country.

79.   Both regions border Zaire, where more than one million Hutu refugees, including many extremists, continue to live.

80.   But refugees there continue to receive UNHCR humanitarian aid on an individual basis.

n. + continue >>共 1148
company 2.49%
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price 1.20%
violence 1.07%
refugee 0.21%
refugee + v. >>共 618
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return 6.79%
flee 4.54%
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arrive 1.83%
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