71.   This year the commission recommended that in many cases, rates should be set by competitive bidding.

72.   University extension services in Florida, Oregon and Minnesota recommend it in their states.

73.   What stocks has this guy or gal recommended in the past and how have those stocks performed?

74.   A French court recommended in June that Kopp be extradited to the United States, and now Kopp has lost his first appeal of that ruling, she said.

75.   A blue-ribbon committee recommended in January that the new House of Lords be mainly chosen by an independent commission.

76.   A government inquiry recommended in January that Australia Television be sold or closed down as an economy measure.

77.   A panel of historians headed by Rene Remond recommended in a recently published report that the lists be handed over to the National Archives.

78.   A report commissioned by the church recommended in April that all clergy, staff and volunteers should be subject to police checks to stamp out sexual abuse of children.

79.   A voluntary evacuation had been recommended in Cedar Key before the storm came ashore, but many residents preferred to wait out the storm at home.

80.   Also, a Senate panel recommended in October that the CIA stop running the interdiction flights and said lax management was to blame for the fatal downing.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
recommend 0.02%
recommend + p. >>共 42
inside 32.23%
in 18.44%
against 17.99%
by 9.00%
on 8.25%
at 1.50%
during 1.35%
with 1.20%
over 1.05%
because_of 0.75%
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