71.   Palffy, along with the recent acquisitions of a cadre of young, promising players, gives the Islanders hope for the future.

72.   Pearson is cutting jobs and reducing Internet spending to raise profitability, but some recent acquisitions remain question marks.

73.   Phoenix-based OrthoLogic, which makes tissue-repair products, said in a statement that the loss and revenue increase were due in part to recent acquisitions.

74.   Profits plunged in the same quarter, but that was because of the latest in a string of recent corporate acquisitions.

75.   Recent acquisitions have helped turn Lear from a seat provider into a supplier of auto interiors that can delivered complete for rapid assembly by automakers.

76.   Recent acquisitions have helped Zygo boost revenue by letting it sell complete systems to customers as opposed to just components, Singh said.

77.   President Clinton, despite his recent acquisition of a Labrador retriever, is a cat person down to his last corpuscle.

78.   Recent acquisitions in the financial industry, namely of securities businesses, have been at more modest levels.

79.   Results at many banks will be distorted by recent acquisitions because of unusual costs and the complex accounting the acquisitions require.

80.   Roger May, a Dow Jones spokesman, said he could not confirm any recent stock acquisitions by Price or Mr. Cramer.

a. + acquisition >>共 376
recent 7.78%
proposed 6.46%
possible 6.18%
major 5.23%
new 4.32%
big 3.41%
further 3.32%
potential 2.96%
future 2.73%
planned 2.41%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
acquisition 0.21%
每页显示:    共 170