71.   All recent Palm-based personal digital assistants are capable of sending and receiving information via infrared broadcasting.

72.   But ADL officials contend they are not advocating outright censorship of certain sites but simply providing parents with a choice on how their children receive information.

73.   But after the TV show, the family received information that led them to the woman on the tape.

74.   But a new generation of readers weaned on computers, habituated to receiving information in short takes, may not find it difficult to acclimatize to e-books.

75.   But an American engineer can send production information to Albania, or an Albanian can receive similar information from American computers at will.

76.   But in the meantime, he said, it is important that men receive complete information about the risks of treatment so they can make informed decisions.

77.   But Masovic insisted on Monday that no Serbs held by the Bosnian government would be released before Sarajevo received information about its missing.

78.   But Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., hinted that the House had decided to close before receiving the information that kept the Senate in session.

79.   But the death has prompted students and educators alike to question whether students receive enough information about the potential dangers of pharmaceutical drugs.

80.   But the aide said Ms. Lieberman had received similar information about Ms. Lewinsky from other sources and had acted based on several warnings.

v. + information >>共 422
provide 9.86%
have 8.76%
give 4.15%
share 3.81%
get 3.58%
release 3.04%
use 2.92%
gather 2.72%
receive 2.61%
seek 2.04%
receive + n. >>共 867
treatment 3.30%
money 2.70%
letter 2.58%
report 2.41%
threat 2.22%
call 2.15%
support 2.06%
approval 1.83%
complaint 1.55%
information 1.49%
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