71.   The rebel movement that once seemingly promised renewal has become mired in personal rivalries, village backbiting and religious schisms.

72.   The rebel movement in the east split, with Uganda and Rwanda backing different sides.

73.   The rebel movement also had considerable outside help during the war from the Tutsi-dominated Rwandan government and from Uganda.

74.   The United States and South Africa, each serving its own ends, built up a rebel movement.

75.   The victims of the massacre were Catholics who sympathized with the Zapatista rebel movement in Chiapas but were not members of the guerrilla army.

76.   These PRI supporters said the Zapatistas had occupied their farmlands and burned their coffee trees in reprisal for their refusal to join the rebel movement.

77.   Though both rebel movements have been largely dormant for years, their militants have vowed to continue the struggle.

78.   To an astonished national audience, he announced that he was sending the army to quash the year-old Zapatist rebel movement in the southeastern state of Chiapas.

79.   Turkey has stepped up charges that Greece is covertly supporting the Kurdish rebel movement, but Greek officials deny that.

80.   With so much money sloshing around the rebel movement, funds were often unaccounted for and went astray.

n. + movement >>共 841
troop 8.32%
rebel 7.69%
independence 4.41%
labor 4.22%
opposition 3.88%
guerrilla 3.63%
reform 2.80%
youth 2.07%
price 2.01%
resistance 1.98%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
每页显示:    共 487