71.   The army often accuses the Hutu rebels of using rear bases in Tanzania.

72.   The Burundian government regularly accuses Zaire of providing the rebels with their rear support bases.

73.   The bulk of the US contingent will drive in over the pontoon bridge in coming weeks from their rear bases in Germany and staging points in Croatia and Hungary.

74.   The architecturally charmless square began as a rear base for Chechen fighters defending the palace, which was former the community party headquarters.

75.   The group has over the past decade launched attacks from rear bases in southern Sudan and is notorious for abducting children and forcing them to become fighters.

76.   The government says the guerrillas, supported by Hutu extremists from Rwanda and with rear bases in Tanzania, are sabotaging the country economically.

77.   The KDP, meanwhile, briefed Ankara on its operations against Turkish Kurd separatists using northern Iraq as a rear base for attacks inside Turkey.

78.   The LRA has over the past decade launched attacks into Uganda from rear bases in southern Sudan and is notorious for abducting children and forcing them to become fighters.

79.   The LRA has over the past decade launched attacks from rear bases in southern Sudan and is notorious for abducting children whom they force to become fighters or concubines.

n. + base >>共 609
army 9.83%
datum 7.76%
power 6.82%
customer 6.64%
fan 5.43%
guerrilla 5.19%
rebel 4.84%
tax 3.74%
support 2.09%
capital 1.77%
rear 1.52%
rear + n. >>共 332
seat 13.52%
window 7.71%
door 6.91%
wheel 5.63%
tire 3.55%
base 3.50%
suspension 3.10%
passenger 2.39%
spoiler 1.91%
wall 1.77%
每页显示:    共 79