71.   Ms. Channing is, as usual, formidable, but her potential to reach Mirren heights is constantly undercut by story diversions.

72.   No connection was found, either, between indicators of hormonal levels, like the age at which men began shaving or reached full height.

73.   Natural-gas prices are reaching record heights that could send heating bills far higher than was feared even a few weeks ago.

74.   Now, at that vast Mall of America in Minnesota, incongruity reaches new heights as the Postal Service test-markets clothing with a postal theme.

75.   On opening night, the madness reached new heights.

76.   Or when your career has a brief hiatus because of academic troubles, then resumes at East Boston but never reaches those heights.

77.   Or to put this another way, when Beatty draws on his actual experience growing up sharp-eyed and black in Los Angeles, his novel reaches its heights.

78.   Prices can reach dizzying heights.

79.   Property prices in Hong Kong have fallen steadily for over a year now, since Hong Kong reached the height of a ten-year real estate boom.

80.   Prices for rare wines have reached dizzying heights in the last few years.

v. + height >>共 166
reach 27.12%
scale 3.64%
measure 3.03%
gain 2.73%
clear 2.73%
lose 2.12%
adjust 1.82%
hit 1.82%
achieve 1.67%
use 1.67%
reach + n. >>共 697
agreement 21.92%
settlement 3.30%
decision 2.83%
compromise 2.54%
final 2.45%
level 2.12%
accord 2.02%
conclusion 1.95%
point 1.79%
consensus 1.65%
height 0.64%
每页显示:    共 178