71.   Chinese authorities in southern Guangzhou city have banned the sale of rat poison in markets after a poisoning in which two children died, it was reported Wednesday.

72.   Cuba and Vietnam have created an offshore holding company that will market and eventually produce a Cuban-developed rat poison, one of the investors said Tuesday.

73.   Du and Tang used rat poison on animals and people between June and November last year in the superstitious belief the acts would save them from misfortune.

74.   These symptoms could not be explained by his prison treatment, his family said, because he was later found to have taken thalium, a banned rat poison.

75.   Vollertsen said the refugees had rat poison and small blocks of concentrated opium with them and may try to kill themselves if they failed to get any help.

76.   Last month, five members of the same family died in Bac Ninh province after consuming rat poison that the cook had mistaken for seasoned flour.

77.   Norbert Vollertsen, a German doctor who helped arrange the embassy action, said the refugees were carrying rat poison and small blocks of concentrated opium.

78.   Preliminary investigation by local police and the sanitary office found rat poison in the food, the paper added.

79.   Rat poison has become a favorite murder weapon in China in recent years.

n. + poison >>共 39
rat 63.20%
nerve 2.40%
fish 2.40%
slug 2.40%
blood 1.60%
food 1.60%
antisemitic 0.80%
asylum 0.80%
atmosphere 0.80%
city 0.80%
rat + n. >>共 147
poison 20.68%
population 3.66%
brain 3.40%
trap 2.62%
urine 2.62%
infestation 2.36%
hole 2.36%
study 2.36%
problem 2.09%
tail 2.09%
每页显示:    共 79