71.   The Science and Technology Studies stream provides an opportunity for advanced study of the complex forces shaping modern technology.

72.   This course provides an opportunity for postgraduate study of the theological and ethical implications of communication, with particular reference to the media.

73.   The tutorial provides the opportunity to develop themes or discuss problems usually on the basis of written work.

74.   Firbush provides major opportunities for activity and instructional courses, principally in sailing, canoeing, ski-ing and mountaineering.

75.   The Department of Hispanic Studies provides the opportunity for the study of Spanish language, history and film, Latin-American literature and Portuguese language and literature.

76.   At postgraduate level the Bucher and Fraser Scholarships provide opportunities for further research or for advanced studies in composition or performance.

77.   These skills are applied in a dissertation which provides an opportunity to undertake original research.

78.   Technological innovations occur and new professional and occupational groups arise, providing opportunities for new forms of domination.

79.   It would provide an opportunity to discuss drafts of papers for committees and consider policy issues for which boards and others might need guidance.

80.   These examples show that Care Sunday provided an opportunity to foster collaboration for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

v. + opportunity >>共 515
have 23.37%
provide 6.79%
see 5.35%
create 5.03%
miss 4.64%
seize 4.48%
offer 4.39%
give 2.97%
use 2.54%
get 2.08%
provide + n. >>共 996
detail 6.39%
information 4.94%
service 4.41%
support 2.30%
evidence 1.86%
assistance 1.63%
security 1.54%
money 1.50%
protection 1.39%
opportunity 1.33%
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