71.   Child-buying is banned and prospective parents must be rigorously screened.

72.   Currently there are many more Russian orphans than prospective Russian parents.

73.   In the interim, prospective foreign parents can use the services of proxies and interpreters as they do now.

74.   In the interim, prospective foreign parents can use the services of proxies and interpreters.

75.   In the interim, prospective foreign parents can use the services of proxies as they do now.

76.   It sued the government, arguing that stem cell research would cut the number of adoptable embryos and thus financially harm Nightlight and prospective parents.

77.   Meanwhile, prospective parents are required to take lengthy tests and classes and usually must hire a lawyer.

78.   Prospective gay parents would have to demonstrate in court that the child they wish to adopt would be better off with them, Kok said.

79.   Still, prospective parents pass her by.

80.   The convention works through a central agency in each nation, whose job is to gather and exchange detailed information relating to both child and prospective parents.

a. + parent >>共 1215
foster 5.30%
single 4.87%
adoptive 4.11%
working 3.13%
new 2.41%
biological 2.32%
elderly 2.26%
prospective 1.60%
worried 1.31%
corporate 1.23%
prospective + n. >>共 547
buyer 10.96%
juror 6.56%
candidate 4.66%
member 4.41%
employer 3.18%
parent 3.05%
investor 2.96%
customer 2.77%
employee 2.70%
student 2.44%
每页显示:    共 94