71.   Greece has the right to use its veto to block the accession of other prospective members.

72.   He had no meetings planned with prospective Cabinet members, aides said.

73.   In between interviewing prospective Cabinet members, Bush fit in a two-hour rite of passage meeting with President Clinton on Tuesday.

74.   In the meantime, prospective members are building links with NATO through high-level political contacts and participation in alliance activities including the peacekeeping force in Bosnia.

75.   In the meantime, prospective members are expected to be allowed to participate in consultations.

76.   In the summit communique, the prospective new members are named in groups.

77.   It was the first meeting in an East European country for the pro-NATO non-governmental group, which includes influential people from NATO countries and prospective members.

78.   It was the first meeting in any East European country for the pro-NATO non-governmental group, which includes influential people from NATO countries and prospective members.

79.   Last year, Congress extended the compact for two years but locked out prospective new members, including Maryland, in a compromise between Northeastern and Midwestern lawmakers.

80.   NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson said Wednesday the alliance will demand high standards of prospective new members to ensure they are net contributors and not just beneficiaries.

a. + member >>共 559
family 20.27%
council 4.96%
new 4.77%
party 4.10%
cabinet 3.21%
former 3.01%
union 3.00%
permanent 2.99%
the 2.80%
senior 2.26%
prospective 0.39%
prospective + n. >>共 547
buyer 10.96%
juror 6.56%
candidate 4.66%
member 4.41%
employer 3.18%
parent 3.05%
investor 2.96%
customer 2.77%
employee 2.70%
student 2.44%
每页显示:    共 136