71.   Prosecutors had argued that while the accuser reported sexual abuse by Geoghan earlier, he reported the rape allegations three years later.

72.   Prosecutors have argued against the idea, saying juries should continue to decide whether mental retardation is grounds for leniency.

73.   Prosecutors have argued that Hamanaka engaged in these activities to help disguise copper losses incurred elsewhere, mainly through unauthorized trading on the London Metal Exchange.

74.   Prosecutors have argued that the time of death could never be precisely determined.

75.   Prosecutors successfully argued that, while her motive may never be known, Yates deliberately and methodically killed the children.

76.   Prosecutors will argue Friday that Simpson waived all such privacy expectations when he shouted potentially incriminating remarks at Grier.

77.   Prosecutors will argue teacher Barry Grunow died while Brazill was committing the felony of burglary.

78.   Prosecutors will argue that she used the drug epinephrine to send her victims into cardiac arrest.

79.   Prosecutors also argued on Thursday that it was premature to rule out the death penalty before trial had begun.

80.   Prosecutors also argued that a single trial would be less expensive and time consuming, and easier for survivors of the dead who want to attend the proceedings.

n. + argue >>共 987
official 5.99%
lawyer 5.77%
critic 4.61%
opponent 3.44%
government 3.36%
prosecutor 3.23%
company 2.91%
defense 2.20%
group 2.11%
supporter 2.03%
prosecutor + v. >>共 517
say 27.49%
be 2.86%
have 2.78%
ask 2.33%
seek 2.23%
charge 2.12%
allege 1.97%
investigate 1.64%
argue 1.63%
decide 1.44%
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