71.   Though many exotic animals live longer in the wild, they can do well in captivity with proper care, he says.

72.   Unable to find a slot at Nuestros Ninos, she leaves her son with a neighbor, uneasy about whether proper care is being given.

73.   We want the government to push Kofi Annan to send his people to check on him and make sure he is getting proper medical care.

74.   What clinicians try to stress to suicidal patients is that depression is a treatable illness, that the despair they are feeling can be alleviated with proper care.

75.   Whether fine antiques, heirlooms, contemporary pieces or tables, chairs and bureaus from flea markets, furniture will look better and last longer with proper care.

76.   With proper care and time, bonsai trees grow old gracefully, becoming more beautiful and more valuable, unlike that spider plant taking over your window.

77.   Witnesses said that she died of convulsions brought on by a fever and that she could have been saved with proper medical care.

78.   Would they be treated with proper care and respect by the movers?

79.   With proper care, it should outlast your civilization.

80.   With proper care, most pewter will not tarnish or require polishing.

a. + care >>共 694
medical 20.57%
managed 14.35%
foster 6.06%
long-term 3.09%
patient 2.93%
great 2.17%
home 1.90%
prenatal 1.83%
emergency 1.78%
special 1.76%
proper 1.39%
proper + n. >>共 1493
procedure 2.97%
way 2.16%
care 2.08%
place 1.70%
use 1.58%
treatment 1.52%
document 1.31%
training 1.13%
permit 1.10%
burial 1.09%
每页显示:    共 137