71.   They produce more plutonium than they burn, and were once seen as the wave of the future in nuclear power.

72.   Under an agreement signed in Geneva last October, North Korea must dismantle its nuclear reactors capable of producing plutonium, which can be used to make atomic bombs.

73.   Under the deal, North Korea must dismantle its existing graphite-moderated reactors, which are capable of producing more plutonium than the light-water ractors.

74.   Under the deal, North Korea must dismantle its existing graphite-moderated reactors, which are capable of producing more plutonium than the light-water reactors.

75.   Zirconium is used as a safety coating for nuclear fuel rods and can also be used in the process that produces plutonium, a fuel in nuclear weapons.

76.   In particular North Korea has asked to be provided with light water reactors, which can be used to produce plutonium for military purposes.

77.   In return, Washington said it would arrange to provide light-water reactors that produce less plutonium.

78.   In the Soviet era, this city produced plutonium for nuclear weapons.

79.   Inspectors would be allowed to visit operating reactors, nuclear waste dumps, research centres and disused nuclear installations and plants that could be converted to produce enriched plutonium.

80.   A fast-breeder reactor produces more plutonium than it consumes but questions about its safety have led many countries to abandon projects to develop one.

v. + plutonium >>共 116
produce 21.00%
use 9.00%
extract 8.50%
divert 6.67%
have 5.83%
make 2.67%
contain 2.67%
yield 2.50%
separate 2.33%
convert 1.50%
produce + n. >>共 1722
result 3.89%
evidence 1.86%
weapon 1.01%
agreement 0.93%
show 0.90%
goods 0.89%
electricity 0.86%
product 0.85%
film 0.82%
document 0.79%
plutonium 0.64%
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