71.   Legal action, initiated largely by private individuals, was being used as a tool of social engineering.

72.   Local merchants, business people and even private individuals like to support local volunteer efforts.

73.   Likewise, the retirement may be carried out by private individuals as well as veterans organizations or other agencies.

74.   Lending to the companies and private individuals remained limp.

75.   Moreover, he said, the fact that a state accepts federal money does not mean that the state has given its consent to be sued by private individuals.

76.   Next weekend, it will take testimony from political groups, government officials, and private individuals in Dublin and Belfast on the disarmament issue.

77.   Now, though, a few professional restorers quietly take jobs from private individuals when time permits.

78.   On Friday, Germany rewarded the former Army Corps of Engineers captain, presenting him with its highest civilian medal for private individuals.

79.   Often at shows, private individuals, as well as licensed dealers, sell guns.

80.   Only private individuals who are U.S. citizens -- but not federal employees -- may contribute.

a. + individual >>共 734
wealthy 10.90%
private 9.25%
single 2.67%
specific 1.87%
particular 1.60%
healthy 1.56%
infected 1.51%
different 1.42%
same 1.29%
foreign 1.20%
private + n. >>共 747
company 6.61%
life 2.16%
investment 2.16%
investor 1.97%
business 1.93%
meeting 1.79%
property 1.69%
group 1.54%
home 1.41%
citizen 1.41%
individual 0.59%
每页显示:    共 207