71.   The added money comes from viewer donations, corporate underwriting and private foundations.

72.   The bill will call for a private foundation that will lead the effort, and supporters include Jacksonville Jaguar and Washington Redskin players.

73.   The Charitable Gift Fund recently attracted criticism for improperly allowing some donors to direct contributions to private foundations to buy event tickets and fund college scholarships.

74.   The authors then got money to continue their work from several private foundations.

75.   The center, with branches on Chambers Street, East Broadway and Gouverneur Slip, is supported by public funds, private foundations and contributors.

76.   The change has also angered some private foundations that had been matching federal money in grants to individual artists.

77.   The chief operating officer of the private fund-raising foundation for Kennesaw State also confirmed Tuesday he had been contacted by the IRS.

78.   The financing is expected to come from federal funds or from private foundation money, she said, although that also has not yet been decided.

79.   The forum and its board are organized as a private foundation, not publicly accountable under Swiss law.

80.   The government and private foundations generously funded the African-American performing arts, giving blacks a platform to voice their frustrations in America.

a. + foundation >>共 513
private 8.54%
charitable 6.86%
solid 4.64%
new 4.25%
nonprofit 3.60%
concrete 2.96%
very 2.52%
strong 2.42%
family 2.07%
legal 1.68%
private + n. >>共 747
company 6.61%
life 2.16%
investment 2.16%
investor 1.97%
business 1.93%
meeting 1.79%
property 1.69%
group 1.54%
home 1.41%
citizen 1.41%
foundation 0.49%
每页显示:    共 172