71.   Over the past five decades, the disparity between races has widened dramatically as minorities have replaced whites in the prison population, according to the center.

72.   Particularly worrisome, Zimring said, is that the biggest increase last year was in the jail population, which had been growing more slowly than the prison population.

73.   Penal experts, prosecutors, wardens and guards say the increase in violence is largely due to the changing makeup of federal prison population.

74.   Philadelphia District Attorney Lynn Abraham urges Senate panel to support legislation that would allow the city to expand its prison population.

75.   Prison populations grew faster in Texas and Georgia than in any other state.

76.   Put back into the prison population more than three years later in a deranged state, he kills a man.

77.   Prison sentences are shorter than in America, for instance, and the prison population is minute by world standards.

78.   Quijano added that Hispanics and blacks are over-represented in the prison population.

79.   Released into the prison population and suffering the mind-altering effects of his ordeal, he killed a man he thought had wronged him.

80.   Repeat offenders like Griffin make up a significant portion of the prison population across the country, although recidivism rates vary between states.

n. + population >>共 419
prison 8.64%
minority 6.39%
immigrant 6.15%
majority 5.26%
student 4.60%
fish 3.29%
refugee 2.54%
deer 2.21%
world 2.07%
whale 2.07%
prison + n. >>共 364
sentence 14.69%
term 11.28%
official 9.18%
guard 5.33%
system 3.38%
authority 2.84%
condition 2.63%
time 2.57%
cell 2.29%
officer 1.90%
population 1.79%
每页显示:    共 183