71.   Wu also named Waxman Industries as a purchaser of products made by Chinese prison labor.

72.   One alleged that China exploited prison labor while another said it sold organs of executed prisoners.

73.   Several speakers said China had failed to live up to earlier pledges to end prison labor, allow greeater freedom of expression and more information on political prisoners.

74.   She was referring to the fact that the Chinese military benefits from MFN because the PLA runs many export industries and also controls goods produced by forced prison labor.

75.   Shen said the arrest of Wu, who has allegedly confessed to fabricating videos about prison labor in China, was not a diplomatic issue.

76.   Shen said the controversial arrest of Harry Wu, who has allegedly confessed to fabricating videos about prison labor in China, was not a bilateral diplomatic issue.

77.   The bank would withdraw support for any project with proven links to any military or to prison labor, the officials say.

n. + labor >>共 116
prison 22.38%
sweatshop 8.43%
farm 6.98%
immigrant 5.52%
inmate 3.20%
year 2.03%
low-wage 1.74%
construction 1.74%
scab 1.45%
contract 1.45%
prison + n. >>共 364
sentence 14.69%
term 11.28%
official 9.18%
guard 5.33%
system 3.38%
authority 2.84%
condition 2.63%
time 2.57%
cell 2.29%
officer 1.90%
labor 0.75%
每页显示:    共 77