71.   The students always display considerably more pep during the weeks immediately prior to the holidays.

72.   A heavyweight champion who was famous for his entertaining grandiloquence prior to every match.

73.   Make sure all revisions are approved by the author prior to publication.

74.   At the trials, one month prior to the finals, I took first place on the ten-meter platform and on the springboard!

75.   Two journalists investigating the allegations had their homes raided and notes confiscated by police in the weeks prior to the publication of the report.

76.   Relations between the two countries had grown tense during the months prior to the Iraqi invasion as Saddam moved to establish himself as the dominant Arab nationalist leader.

77.   The Yemen Socialist Party, which had been the dominant political power in South Yemen prior to unification, remained a force in the unified Republic.

78.   Israel stepped up military activity in southern Lebanon immediately prior to the signing of the treaty.

79.   According to Western media reports, the meeting agreed in principle to allow the SOC to retain some of its armed forces during the period prior to elections.

80.   The climate for an agreement on nuclear weapons had been improved by developments in the three months prior to December.

a. + to >>共 706
open 6.79%
up 5.87%
guilty 4.74%
loyal 4.12%
important 3.80%
prior 2.70%
able 2.07%
next 1.97%
likely 1.65%
difficult 1.33%
prior + p. >>共 3
to 99.89%
against 0.05%
on 0.05%
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