71.   Political pressures from different parts of the country were articulated on a geographical basis and directed towards bureaucrats originating from the part of the country concerned.

72.   Disturbances induced by swallowing were edited from the UOS pressure tracing by excluding pressures from four seconds before to six seconds after swallows.

73.   Table IV shows the range of increases in intraoesophageal body pressure from the common cavity episodes.

74.   Despite constant complaints and pressure from the LAFC, the SE Unit situation is if anything worsening rather than improving.

75.   The common law was perceived to have certain defects and there was pressure from the EEC to harmonise consumer safety law across the Community.

76.   Even so, there are signs that its inmates were under pressure from the king and his officials.

77.   Macmillan suspected that the Soviet leader was also under pressure from his own hardliners.

78.   It is clear that pressure from the interested public is getting through, but that more of it is needed.

79.   The second half started out the same as the first half with good pressure from Leeds.

80.   We will do so and remain steadfastly independent of pressure from whatever quarter.

n. + from >>共 1445
pressure 1.27%
money 1.12%
support 1.10%
official 1.10%
report 0.90%
people 0.87%
comment 0.84%
help 0.79%
call 0.72%
criticism 0.58%
pressure + p. >>共 65
on 42.49%
from 30.09%
for 5.67%
in 5.47%
over 2.23%
off 1.68%
to 1.55%
by 1.46%
at 1.23%
against 0.85%
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