71.   But she said the president said he was powerless to order them freed out of respect for the independence of the courts.

72.   But the new president said he does not plan to divulge its contents.

73.   But the Indiana president said the general apology would suffice for those involved in the other incidents.

74.   But the French president also said agreement on the Naples command was a condition for France to rejoin the military command structure.

75.   But the president has said he wants to ban parties based on ethnicity or religion, and it is unclear how that conflict will be resolved.

76.   But the president said he had not ruled out tapping into the emergency reserve later.

77.   But the president said that he had heard that a bipartisan group of eight senators may be formed to try and salvage the anti-tobacco initiative.

78.   But the president said that the demonstration would have no impact on his economic plan.

79.   But the president says the White House will leave it to the Israelis and Palestinians to work out a settlement.

80.   But the president said he decided not to surrender the stock after a discussion with Mrs. Clinton.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
president 0.35%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
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