71.   A former Honduran president has never faced similar charges.

72.   After testifying for the defense for about an hour, and a brief break, the president faced more than three hours of cross-examination by the prosecution.

73.   Ailing president faces calls for his ouster.

74.   Although four other Philippine presidents have faced impeachment complaints, the House had never forwarded charges to the Senate.

75.   Although the issue received minimal attention during the U.S. presidential election campaign, Kagan said he believes the next president will face an Iraq crisis.

76.   Apart from the inherent difficulty of amending the Constitution, turning to a nationwide popular vote to pick a president has long faced extreme difficulties.

77.   But the bland president faces tough competition from the swashbuckling Marcos, who rides horseback for the cameras and writes poetic calls for social justice.

78.   But the president faces upcoming elections in three northern states that would be affected by any water deal.

79.   Even before the elections, the president faced strong opposition inside his party.

80.   However, Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic predicted the former president will also face murder charges.

n. + face >>共 963
company 5.73%
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man 1.89%
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woman 1.19%
winner 1.19%
president 1.08%
people 1.05%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
face 0.65%
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