71.   Advisers to other potential candidates took note this month when Barnes accepted an invitation to address a Democratic dinner in South Carolina.

72.   After carefully considering all the potential candidates for vice president, Bush decided that Cheney filled the bill better than any of the others.

73.   After quickly ascertaining that two potential candidates were unavailable, Horowitz simultaneously contacted three conductors.

74.   All units are potential candidates for full or partial sale, or transfer to joint ventures, he said.

75.   Brett, a vice president with the Royals, is among those who have emerged as potential candidates to buy the team.

76.   Both Gore and Gephardt are potential Democratic presidential candidates.

77.   Brown has been mentioned as a potential candidate for Houston mayor for years.

78.   Both of them have outpolled all potential PRI candidates in recent surveys.

79.   Burden though it is to beg for money and to promise future favors, Gore is the luckiest of the potential candidates.

80.   But after the other potential candidates fell through, the board decided that Newman would make the best chief executive.

a. + candidate >>共 485
presidential 17.01%
republican 7.08%
democratic 4.93%
leading 3.97%
the 3.30%
potential 2.36%
likely 2.16%
possible 2.04%
only 1.76%
independent 1.71%
potential + n. >>共 910
buyer 4.24%
problem 3.38%
candidate 2.75%
investor 2.38%
customer 2.24%
threat 1.72%
target 1.62%
juror 1.61%
partner 1.29%
danger 1.22%
每页显示:    共 576